Discover Maremma



The Tiny Athens

A municipality in the extreme south of Tuscany, about 45 km from Grosseto, Capalbio is placed on top of a hill with breathtaking sea-views surrounded by forests and countryside on the promontory of Ansedonia. It is known as “tiny Athens” for the historical and artistic value. Capalbio is the only medieval village completely rounded within a double set of walls, with two paths on two different levels. A so well preserved and really unique charm of this small village at the border of Tuscany, it won the first position in the Blue Guide of Legambiente – Italian Touring Club.

Capalbio in the history

During the Middle Ages Capalbio belonged to the Aldobrandeschi family, in 1339 to Siena, then to the Orsini Counts, until it was annexed again to the Sienese Republic. Later, the territory was passed to the Medici. Capalbio was the only one in the lower Maremma that resisted to the Spanish control.

The charm of medieval Tuscany

Capalbio is totally surrounded by 15th Century walls which have remained untouched up today. The old town of Capalbio is accessible from the Senese Door, a double arch door where in the upper part was put a plaque in memory of a strengthening of the walls made by the Sienese in 1418.
To visit are the little Church of St. Nicholas and the Providence Oratory, small medieval treasure that preserves the capitals of the 12th century.
The Palazzo Collacchioni, a huge palace built in the 13th century on the ruins of the fortress, preserves a piano internally, which have been played by Giacomo Puccini during his stay in the village of Maremma.

The favourite destination for many intellectuals and politicians

Since the mid-60s Capalbio is famous for becoming the favorite destination of important personalities from politics and culture. In the Tuscan town is hosted the Cinema International Short Film Festival, one of the main Italian showcases of international short films.

How to get to Capalbio

From the SS1 Aurelia Road, towards Rome take exit Capalbio and continue straight on the Provincial Road of Capalbio.

Activities and attractions in Capalbio
Appointments and events in Capalbio

march, 2025

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