Discover Maremma

Elba Island

Elba Island

The soot island

Third largest island in Italy, Elba (about 224 sq km) is also the largest island of the Tuscan Archipelago. The island was inhabited in ancient times by populations of Ligurian stock, who first gained its first name Ilvates, becoming during the Roman period Ilva, then changed in the Middle Ages in Ilba Helba. But the most famous name by which the Island of Elba was known in the ancient times was Αιθάλη (Aithàle) o Αιθάλεια (Aithàleia) because of the fires rose from the ovens used to smelt iron.

Nature and culture on the Elba Island

A fantastic heritage of natural beauty guaranteed by the protection and the enhancement of the territory and the environment. The entire territory is a paradise for lovers of nature sports, especially diving, hiking and cycling.

The many landscapes of the coast

The Elba Island offers a variety of stunning landscapes: from the granite cliffs that fall steeply into the sea, to wide golden sandy beaches that characterize the south and the northwest coast (as Lacona, Biodola Procchio), small white pebble beach in Portoferraio (Le Ghiaie, Capo Bianco, Sansone) or black iron-rich sands along the east coast (Terranera and Topinetti). Along the coast of Elba there are many small bays accessible only by sea or along a panoramic path.

The many landscapes of the coast: the inside

Blooming valleys, Monte Capanne (the highest peak of the island with its approximately 1,020 mt), medieval villages set on the hills as Capoliveri, Rio nell’Elba or Marciana, and charming fishing villages as Marciana Marina and Porto Azzurro. On the Elba Island every place is a discovery.

The history of Elba Island

Enormous is the presence of historical buildings and archaeological sites on Elba Island. Etruscan buildings, ancient monasteries, small churches, fortresses and other historic buildings, Spanish castles and Napoleonic residences are scattered all over the island and offer many opportunities to make interesting cultural visits. The Island offer a fascinating visit also to the metal mines of the “Mining Park of ‘Elba “.

How to get to the Elba Island

A visit on the Elba Island is it possible with a mini cruise departing from the nearby port of Castiglione della Pescaia. For more information please contact the tourist information office – IAT of Castiglione della Pescaia- +39 0564 933678.

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