04 Feb Diving
Discover Maremma sea bottoms
The Maremma is the most aspired destination by those who love to explore a natural environment among the most spectaculars of the Mediterranean. A large variety of fishes, seahorses and sea stars that move between anemones, sponges and spirographs that create a rainbow of colors.
An unforgettable experience which will allow you to discover the underwater world of the Maremma and the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago.
Training and equipment
Maremma offers a lot of individual and group courses including rental equipment, and organize day drips
and excursions all year round.
In the area of Le Rocchette is situated the “Diving Center Sestante” by Camping Maremma Sans Souci. Information center are in the Camping Village Rocchette and Camping Village Santapomata.
Map of the recommended spots for diving
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