Discover Maremma

Hiking with Donkey

Hiking with Donkey

Hiking with Donkeyini

It is a slowly hiking which let the people enjoy the nature with a very patient friend who will help to carries the baggages. Thanks to the contact between the walker and the animal, the hiking will be the occasion to experience the ancient traditions of our land feeling the flavours of the past. The hiking proposals of Associazione AsiniAmo are set in a very beautiful environment: Maremma Tuscany

Excursions with donkeys are planned for Autumn and Spring
Poggio Tondo (fast)- 15,00 € adults, 5 € kids
Half Day – 25 € adults, 10 € kids (recommended for children over 6 years old)
*Minimum number of participants: 4 people (ask for pricing)

Associazione AsiniAmo
Sede Amministrativa: Podere la Pierotta 19 – 58020 Scarlino (GR)
Tel : +39 327 13 13 244

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