Discover Maremma

Art Exhibition – Herbarium for Rainy Days

Art Exhibition – Herbarium for Rainy Days

Art Exhibition – Herbarium for Rainy Days

The Herbarium for Rainy Days’ Exhibition of Giancarlo Galeotti takes place on saturday 24th of September at the Museum of Cast Iron Arts in Maremma.

The Exhibition, installed in the basement of the innovative MAGMA Museum of Follonica, is a selection of thirteen works of arts including paintings and etchings.

Giancarlo Galeotti’s learning process, Tuscan architect and sculptur and graduated in architecture is signed by his teacher Enzo Arduini e by the studies accomplished at the School of Graphic Art “Il Bisonte” of Florence under the guidance of Vincenzo Burlizzi e Manuel Ortega.

Galeotti Works’ style is compatible with fundamental idea by which Magma Museum, active place of creative innovation and regeneration through the arts in all its forms started.

The contemporary art is the main character of this place constantly enhanced by expositions, which, as Galeotti’s one, highlight the innovative and cultural feature, which will exhibit also during the next season.

The visual representation given by the interaction between clay and ink, which define a coherent poetic path, articulated by suggestions, emotions and characters, which guide the spectator from the first to the last, work.

The Exhibition begins the 24th of September and it will end the 23th of October.


From the 24th of September to the 23th of October at MAGMA Museum in Follonica.

Opening time: 15.30 pm

Closing time: 19.00 pm

The opening of the exhibition is Saturday 24th of September at 17.00 pm in the presence of the artist and the curator of the exhibition Marica Pizzetti and Sandro Petri.

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