Discover Maremma

Sup Itineraries

Sup Itineraries

Il Faro – Capezzolo (1° level)

Cross Castiglione della Pescaia bay up to Punta “Capezzolo”.
Break and bathe.
Comeback to “Bagno Faro”.
Total distance 2,5 km.
Expected duration: about 2 hours.

Il Faro – Riva del Sole (2° level)

Cross Castiglione della Pescaia bay up to Punta “Capezzolo”.
Break and bathe.
Continue to Riva del Sole locality and arrival at the bar of the residence to take a snack.
Comeback to “Bagno Faro”.
Total distance 6,5 km.
Expected duration: about 3 hours and a half.

Il Faro – Rocchette (3° level)

Cross Castiglione della Pescaia bay up to Punta “Capezzolo”.
Break and bathe.
Continue to Riva del Sole locality and arrival at the bar of the residence to take a snack.
After a little break continue to Punta Rocchette.
Bathe and excursions along the coast.
Fast lunch at “Bagno le Rocchette” restaurant and comeback.
*This type of itinerary is possible only in case of favourable weather conditions.
Total distance 14 km.
Expected duration: about 5 hours.

River Itinerary

Start from Darsena, going down Bruna river up to Casa Ximenes.
Arrival at left bank of the river and take a snack.
Comeback in the sea going along the Castiglione della Pescaia port.
Arrival at Bagno Il Faro.
*This type of itinerary is possible only with authority Nulla Osta and in case of favourable conditions Total distance 4,5 km.
Expected duration: about 2 hours and a half.

Castiglione Sup&Surf Experience
At Bagno Il Faro, Via Roma, 1
58043 Castiglione Della Pescaia (GR)
tel: +39 338 739 3042


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