Discover Maremma

SUP and canoe on vacation

SUP and canoe on vacation

Is lying comfortably on the beach not your thing? After sunbathing and relaxing on the beach, do you want to experience moments of adventure and movement, also to keep fit? Then you should definitely try sup and canoe.

Sup a Castiglione della Pescaia
Sup in Castiglione della Pescaia

Sport for the whole family

One of the best ways to keep fit and to have fun together on vacation is Stand Up Paddling, or rather sup, a mix of surfing and canoeing, which involves the use of a board similar to a surfboard, but larger and a paddle, borrowed from the canoe. You stand on the board and paddle to reach the open sea, to discover unusual stretches of beach, to reach hidden coves or small islets.

The coasts of Maremma are ideal for practicing this sport because the sea here is not very rough and you can rent the necessary equipment with the whole family and start having fun. The Rocchette beach is an excellent starting point, there are several itineraries along the coast, both towards the south to reach Punta Capezzolo, and towards the north to reach the Forte delle Rocchette.

The outings or excursions are usually in groups guided by expert instructors who will allow you to experience unforgettable emotions in total safety.

Have fun with the canoe in the sea or in the river

A sport suitable for everyone, relaxing, undemanding, you can slowly slide on the water and enjoy the landscape, it is a sport that combines physical activity with relaxation and gives you the opportunity to observe the different landscapes from a point of view unique. Here in Maremma it is possible to practice tourist canoeing both in the sea, there are many bathing establishments that offer lessons and equipment rental, and on the river.

In particular, it is possible to cross the Ombrone river, among reeds and green poplars, immersed in a unique and evocative landscape within the Maremma Regional Park. We also organize very special excursions, on the river waiting for dawn, an excursion at the first light of the day, to enjoy the sunrise in silence immersed in nature, an evocative spectacle. Even more original is the night excursion with full moon, guided only by the light of the full moon, a unique emotion.

Discover the marvelous coast of the Tuscan Maremma

An excellent opportunity to discover the infinite beauties that these places hide, for those who love to live in close contact with nature, without haste to enjoy relaxation and rest, sport and adventure. With family or friends there are really many sport experiences that you can try and if you really are not passionate about canoeing and water sports are not for you, there are many alternatives.

The bike is one of these, a classic between tourist itineraries and technical itineraries for true MTB enthusiasts. There are many marked trails or if you prefer you can be accompanied by expert guides, who know every corner of this area. There are several tours and excursions for different levels of physical fitness. The paths and trails for cross country and enduro are highly sought after, technical routes where you can put your skills and abilities to the test. In the Bandite Trail area, national and international competitions are organized for fans of pure fun.

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