Discover Maremma

Horseback riding on vacation

Horseback riding on vacation

In the land of the cowherds, in Maremma where the horse is an integral part of the history of these places. Indispensable and irreplaceable companion of man, you can retrace ancient paths, ride among olive groves and vineyards to discover the Tuscan countryside or take a walk by the sea, an experience not to be missed.

Escursioni a cavallo in Maremma
Horse riding in Maremma

After relaxation and rest on the beach, experience the adventure!

Pleasant rest, a spectacular sea, comfortable sunbeds, that’s enough, what do you think? Is it time to have fun? What could be more adventurous than riding a horse and setting off to discover dense forests, paths between rolling hills and medieval villages, discovering a wonderful territory made up of glimpses and hidden corners, not very well known, but of incomparable beauty, you will be amazed.

Maremma can offer incredible emotions, enchanted landscapes, you can discover protected areas, natural parks, immerse yourself in the wildest nature, slowly, appreciating smells, colors and flavours. Take some time to stop and observe the horizon. The panoramic points and natural terraces will allow you to stretch your gaze and appreciate the promontories of the islands of the Tuscan archipelago and, on clear days, even nearby Corsica.

Daily excursions with guide

There are several sports centers and associations that offer guided tours and excursions, guaranteeing you itineraries suited to your abilities and physical preparation. The daily excursions lasting a few hours are within everyone’s reach, even the little ones, some include excellent tasting of typical local products with a visit to some of the most renowned farms in the area.

The most evocative and exciting for a unique experience include walks at sunrise or sunset, two moments of the day in which the sunlight gives a particular and changing color to the landscape. For a bit of adventure, we suggest the night excursion, to experience the thrill of riding in the dark guided only by the light of the moon, they are organized only on full moon nights, you can admire the sky and stop to contemplate the night landscape, truly an unusual and intriguing experience.

Discovering the natural beauties

It is difficult to choose among the innumerable natural beauties of the Maremma, but above all one is unmissable and embodies the true soul of this territory, the Maremma Regional Park or better known, in these parts, as the Uccellina Park, due to the presence of homonymous mountains that delimit the central and southern part of the park.

One of the first natural parks established in Italy, it preserves a rich biodiversity and a variety of natural ecosystems in which the action of protection and care by man is evident. It is one of the few parks that can boast kilometers of coastline and dense inland woods, huge pine forests and countryside dominated by vineyards and olive groves.

An excursion on horseback to discover these places will give you incredible emotions, smells, aromas and flavors that will be difficult to forget, breathtaking landscapes, an authentic and wild Maremma land.

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