Discover Maremma

Diving and snorkelling on vacation

Diving and snorkelling on vacation

After a well-deserved relaxation on the beach, experience the thrill of immersing yourself in the discovery of the spectacular seabed off the coast of Castiglione della Pescaia, in one of the most famous stretches of sea on the Tuscan coast to discover a colorful underwater world.

Immersioni in Maremma
Diving in Maremma

For experienced divers and beginners

You will be able to discover the hidden beauties of this stretch of Tuscan sea, inhabited by a varied underwater flora and fauna, go diving to discover wrecks at the bottom of the sea and the remains of ancient boats, swim among schools of fish, be lucky enough to spot a blue whale. Excursions suitable for everyone to explore one of the most popular underwater worlds on the Tyrrhenian coast.

To do this, you can contact the many sports associations present who ensure diving in total safety by providing you with professional equipment and expert guides who know this sea well. We organize courses for different levels of preparation, with equipment rental and private lessons, for those who have never tried it or for those who want to improve their technique.

It is possible to participate in one of the many excursions to discover the Gulf of Follonica, towards the Island of Cerboli, the Island of Elba and Pianosa, underwater itineraries with an irresistible charm.

Snorkeling in Maremma

Swimming on the surface of the water to discover a fascinating marine world that you didn’t think you’d find in Maremma will amaze you. Long stretches of sandy coastline, with wide and shallow waters, pristine, paradisiacal beaches, where nature is the undisputed star. No physical preparation or the use of special equipment is required, just put on a mask with snorkel and you’re done.

You can dive into the crystalline waters, swim on the surface of the water and observe the variegated underwater world inhabited by seahorses, multicolored posidonias, gorgonians and moray eels, octopuses, red mullets and colorful fish. We advise you to be accompanied by expert guides who will be able to suggest the best stretches where to dive and following their instructions, discover a fantastic underwater world.

In the International Cetacean Sanctuary

In the stretch of sea between the Tuscan coast and Corsica is the International Cetacean Sanctuary, a protected area of international interest established between Italy, France and the Principality of Monaco, created to protect the great wealth of marine species present and their habitat, especially of large cetaceans and dolphins.

A marine area of considerable scientific interest, which thanks to protection and conservation actions has become the natural environment chosen by now by many species of large cetaceans, such as the fin whale, the sperm whale, the dolphin and many others. The best time for sightings is between spring and summer, there are several sports associations that organize boat trips, you can experience the thrill of meeting a friendly pod of dolphins or a whale and it will not be difficult to meet sea turtles, manta rays, tuna and swordfish. The Maremma offers emotions, come and visit us!

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