Discover Maremma

On holiday on Giannutri island

On holiday on Giannutri island

The most southern island of Tuscany is dominated by the lush mediterranean vegetation and by breathtaking landscapes where you’ll find peace and tranquility.

Isola di Giannutri
Isola di Giannutri

the small island jewel of the Tuscan archipelago

Small, with few inhabitants, around thirty, no raods, two small points of harbor, most of the coast is jagged and rocky, with only seashell beaches, wild and incontaminated nature. An almost inaccessible island but once reached gives its visitors unique moments.
The island is placed inside the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, access is regulated to safeguard the natural environment and to continue to guarantee a healthy balance between the natural environment and those wo decide to visit the island.

Between cliffs overhanging the sea and remains of ancient Roman villas

It has been inhabited since prehisory as multiple finds show, but it was in the periods first of Etruscan and then Roman rule that the island experienced a period of flourishing maritime commerce. Today you can visit the remains of an ancient roman villa, most likely having belonged to the noble Domizi Enobarbi family, built around the 2nd century a.C. in Maestra Bay. Today you can be accompanied by a specialized buide who will show you all the archeological sites present on the island.

A true underwater paradise

The island of limestone origina with its particularly unique halfmoon shape, destination for numerous bird species that arrive in great numbers every year to nest and reproduce, is a true natural paradise for lovers of nature. Its special geological formation makes also the coast and its depths into a unique and spectacular place, and you can dive to see corals, fish of various species, or meadows of posidonia.
Moreover for the more experienced it’s possible to dive to the depths to discover numerous and fascinating relics present at the bottom, like a practically intact roman ship that rests on the seafloor of Punta Scaletta, a jewel for lovers of diving.

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