Discover Maremma

Holidays in Capalbio

Holidays in Capalbio

A small village of Tuscan Maremma to discover slowly through nature, art and history. Enjoy relaxing in a unique region cared for with love and passion for beauty.

The beach of Capalbio

Capalbio, see the village from the intact fortifications

I’ts one of the most suggestive villages of Maremma, and houses unique works in testament to an ancient past. It’s the only town to have preserved it’s medieval fortifications intact. In fact today it’s still possible to walk along the length of the walls. You can walk the entirety of the old patrol route and enjoy a stunning landscape, from inland to the sea.
Walking throught the streets and alleys of the historic center you can reach the highest point of Capalbio and visit the Rocca Aldobrandesca, an L-shaped fortification with tower attached to the Palazzo Collacchioni, where the piano played by Giacomo Puccini is preserved.

A weekend among unpolluted nature

For the lovers of nature it’s possible to visit the WWF preserve of Lago di Burano, an expanse of brackish water of 140 hectares, that separates the sea from the humid inland area. Relic of an ancient lake, today it’s a stagnant brackish coastal pond. Typical trait of the preserve is the presence of the dunes covered in mediterranean nature that’s home to numerous species of birds, mammals and reptiles.
A paradise for lovers of birdwatching. Also rich and varied in flora, over 600 plants species have been documented, among which the narcissus of the sea, juniper, mastic tree, cork oak and 6 species of lichen, some very rare.

At Capalbio art is home

At Garavicchio, a small fraction of the community of Capalbio, right on the border between Tuscany and Lazio, there’s the Tarot Garden. The Garden is the majestic work of the french-american artist Niki de Saint Phaille. A garden that collects her giant works, with statues from twelve to fifteen meters high, inspired by the figures of the main Tarot figures.
With a structure of iron and cement, covered by many-colored mosaics of mirror and glass of Murano. A trip, a dream, a place inside which you can move around freely without predetermined paths and let yourself be carried away by your emotions.

Touristic excellence

A sandy coastline, with shallow depths and crystal clear water, ideal for everyone, also for the kids, who can have fun in complete safety. In this wonderful stretch of the tuscan coast it’s possible to practice kite- and windsurfing, diving, snorkeling, canoeing and every kind of open air sport such as cycling, horseriding, trekking or archery, there’s plenty of options.
Capalbio has become a renowned tourist location due to its beauty, frequented from the sixties by intellectuals, journalists, politics and entrepreneurs. Well-known are the beaches of Macchiatonda, Chiarone and Torba. A real paradise for lovers of sea and nature.

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