Discover Maremma

Gorgona island, the smallest Island of the Tuscan archipelago

Gorgona island, the smallest Island of the Tuscan archipelago

The penal island turned tourist destination is among the most popular of the Tuscan archipelago where you can admire an incontaminated nature.

Isola di Gorgona
Isola di Gorgona

An island to discover immersed in the silence of nature

An island of ancient origins and disputed between Etruscans, Greeks and Romans, the origin of its name dates back to the myth of Gorgona, the mythological creature that petrified anyone who met her gaze. In the medieval period monasteries were built on top of remains of old roman foundations, by the benedictine and cistercian monks, who chose the island as the ideal place to dedicate to prayer and hermitage. Today you can visit the island but need to request permission from the relevant authorities.

From the coast to the inland, an unforgettable guided tour

Its small extent of only two square kilometers makes it into a small treasure to discover. Once arrived, the docking point is the Scalo di Gorgona, you can visit the east coast, more gentle and characterized by three small valleys that descend towards the sea forming three wonderful bays.
The west part instead is characterized by steep cliffs ruled by the typical mediterranean vegetation and inhabited by birds and small mammals that have found here the ideal place to live and reproduce. To discover this wonderful place you’ll be accompanied by specialized guides that will treat you to unique sensations.

The prison where detainees contribute to the safeguarding of the island

From 1869 the island has been home to a penitentiary which makes it subject to the respecting of certain precise indications from the penal administration that regulates access in accordance with the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago. This peculiar property has preserved its ecosystem, guaranteeing a natural preservation of the existing equilibriums.
The inmates housed in the prison structure contribute to the safeguarding and conservation of the island ecosystem through the work activities they perform in the area.

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