Discover Maremma

Capraia, a vacation between Tuscany and Corsica

Capraia, a vacation between Tuscany and Corsica

A wild and rocky island of volcanic origin where you can spend your vacation between sea and nature, come discover the history of the island of the goats.

Isola di Capraia
Capraia Island

A protected area to be experienced

The only island of the Tuscan archipelago of volcanic origin, from jagged cliffes overhanging the sea in the western part to the more subtle ones of the eastern part. Like all the other islands of the archipelago it’s a protected area, where you can have excursions by foot or bicycle and admire the beaty of these landscapes immersed in a suggestive atmosphere, where you can spend several days in close contact with an incontaminated nature.
The small beaches are ready to welcome you to enjoy a crystal clear sea, closed in by small inlets ruled by the typical mediterranean vegetation.

The ideal vacation for lovers of diving

During the summer season the small island is populated by visitors who, attracted by its beauty, choose it to spend an unforgettable vacation. There’s only a few hundred who live continuously on the island, but thousands arrive during the summer season, although without altering or disturbing the delicate balance between nature and the presence of man.
Certainly one of the main attractions of the island are its spectacular depths, in fact it’s possible to dive or snorkel to discover the depths that are home to groupers, amberjacks, barracuda and if you’re lucky you might see dolphins, or sperm or fin whales, a spectacle of rare beauty.

Spend a few days on the island of goats

If you’re looking for a vacation to allow yourself a few days of relaxation and peace, immersed in incontaminated nature surrounded by an incredibly beautiful sea, then Capraia, like all the other islands of the Tuscan archipelago, is the ideal place. The welcome facilities present offer services for all needs, the island is far from the mass tourism of the coast and offers a vacation for those who love sea and quiet, for those who want to slow down and recover for a few days in close contact with nature.

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