Discover Maremma

Road of the Montecucco wine and the flavors of Amiata


Road of the Montecucco wine and the flavors of Amiata

The road of the Montecucco wine and the flavors of Amiata traverses ten maremman communities: Arcidosso, Campagnatico, Castel del Piano, Castell’Azzara, Cinigiano, Civitella Paganico, Roccalbegna, Santa Fiora, Seggiano e Semproniano.
Along the path you can discover various enogastronomic products of excellence through a path that unfolds through Amiata and Maremma. The flavors of long ago, enchanting landscapes and artistic beauties, welcome the tourist that wants to experience this interesting trip between two wonderful regions.

Not only wine

On this extraordinary trail the Montecucco DOC is only the most well-known of the products to be tried: these lands offer the coveted Olio Etra Vergine d’Oliva Seggiano that is getting DOP certification, the chestnut of Monte Amiata and also the pecorino Toscano DOP, the IGP bullock meat, the honey, the truffles, mushrooms, Maremman saffron, the Biscotto Salato of Roccalbegna, the salame and the boar sausage.
The Montecucco Wine Road can be followed through many different routes but there are three in particular that allow for the appreciation of the agricultural excellency, the enchanting nature both tough and wild, and to stop for the history and artistic beauty of these places.

The nature

From the slope of Monte Amiata you descend towards Santa Fiora, an old and characteristic village at about 600 meters altitude. It’s possible to visit the Riserva del Monte Labbro and the Parco Faunistico del Monte Amiata. In the high valley of Albegna, near Roccalbegna is the Riserva del Pescinellowith its currents, lakes and waterfalls. From Roccalbegna you continue to Semproniano and meet the wonderful village of Rocchette di Fazio and Riserva Naturale Bosco dei Rocconi. The grapevines of Montecucco: from the slopes of Monte Amiata you go down towards Seggiano, among the “Olivastra seggianese” olive trees. Here is the Giardino D’Arte di Daniel Spoerri c that houses important works of contemporary art.   You proceed to Castel del Piano, Arcidosso and then Montenero, surrounded by the wonderful Montecucco grapevines. Around cinigiano you can visit Castel Porrona, old and beautiful medieval town.

The art, the history and the museums

Starting from Paganico with its gates and walls of the Sienese era, you reach Sasso d’Ombrone and Poggi del Sasso and the the medieval castles of Vicarello and Collemassari.
There are numerous museums to visit along the Strada del vino Montecucco e dei Sapori d’Amiata: Museo della Vite e del Vino a Montenero d’Orcia, and Museo Etnografico, the “Casa Museo”, with its evidences of domestic and working life at the end of the 1800s in Monticello d’Amiata, a singule Vineyard Museum, in the hills of Poggi del Sasso and Montecucco,, the Museo delle Miniere di Mercurio of mOnte Amiata in Santa Flora and an important collection of modern art in Castel del Piano, the Ethnographic, the Museo Etnografico di Santa Caterina a Roccalbegna and Centro Studi David Lazzaretti in Arcidosso.

Info: In Cinigiano inside the palazzo Bruchi is the information center of the Strada del vino Montecucco e dei Sapori d’Amiata.

Following is the image of the Strada del Vino Montecucco e dei Sapori D’Amiata and the pdf with the guide to the main organic producers:
Strada del Vino Montecucco e dei Sapori D’Amiata

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