Discover Maremma

Talamone beaches

Talamone beaches

Talamone beaches offer something for everyone. The north side with its rocky bottoms is ideal for diving. The south with its wide sandy beaches is the perfect location to practice windsurfing and kite-surfing.

Talamone Rock

This 13th century fortress was built for the Aldobrandeschi to protect the harbor below. In the 14th century the Aldobrandeschi conceded to the Republic of Siena, a series of rights over the harbor, in exchange for an extension of the Rock. During the following centuries, the fortress was expanded, attacked by pirates, rebuilt from the Spanish when 1557 Talamone was ceded to Spain, and became part of the State of Deans. The Aldobrandesca Rock is still the main attraction of Talamone: from its gardens you can enjoy the Gulf, the mountains of the Maremma National Park, the Giglio Island and the beautiful beaches of the area.

Garibaldi and Talamone

This little town became a meeting point for the volunteer soldiers who were preparing to embark on the “The Expedition of the Thousand” – a mission to reunite Italy under the command of 19th century Italian hero Giuseppe Garibaldi.

How to get to Talamone

Direction south on the SS1-Aurelia, exit at the Aurelia, or direction north take exit Rispescia/Alberese and from there follow the signs to Talamone for about 9 km.

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