Discover Maremma

Cala Violina Beach

Cala Violina Beach

The musical beach

Cala Violina takes its name from the sound of its sand. The characteristic name is due to the sound similar to the one of the musical instrument produced by the pure quartz grains of the beach at the contact with the visitors’ feet. An amazing beach wedged between two promontory with their turquoise transparent waters and scenic beauty.

Where is Cala Violina

Cala Violina is situated between Follonica and Punta Ala, in the Nature Reserve of Bandite di Scarlino, accessible only on foot or by bicycle walking along a scenic path in the Mediterranean scrub.


How to get to Cala Violina

From the SP 158 delle Collacchie which connects Castiglione della Pescaia and Follonica, continue to the Tourist Dock (on the right) by Puntone. Close to the “Cantuccio” Restaurant, you have to park the car and follow the path accessible only on foot or by bike and continue to Cala francese and Cala Martina.

Cala Violina can be reached through another path: from Puntone take the highway of Collacchie, then turn right in a gravel way about 400 meters before reaching the Gas Station of Pian d’Alma. The signs for Cala Violina should be very visible around the farm Laschetti. Here you can leave your car in a parking area and walk for 2 kilometers towards Cala Violina.

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