Discover Maremma

The Tarot Garden

The Tarot Garden

A magic garden at the end of Tuscany

An unexpected, magic world entirely enclosed by a tuff wall designed by Mario Botta that reminds us of ancient fortresses. The Tarot Garden is located in Gravicchio , just a few kilometers from Pescia Fiorentina, between Tuscany and Lazio.

Inspired by Barcelona Gaudì

The impressive Tarot Garden was built by the French – American Sculptor Niki de Saint de Phalle between 1979 and 1996 and it was entirely self-financed by the same artist. The Garden was the result of the wish to express Niki’s idea of a fantastic world. The inspirational source of this esoteric garden has surely been the marvelous Guell Park by the architect Gaudì in Barcelona.

“Inhabitable”sculptures from mosaic, ceramic and iron

The artist has chosen the Mediterranean scrub to scatter the 22 handmade huge sculptures, recovered with mosaics and ceramics, which represent the Tarots Arcane. A fascinating open-air museum forming one of the largest sculpture gardens in Italy. Together with her husband Jean Tiguely, who died a few years before the Garden was finished, the artist created metal sculptures from thin metal. The visitor is captured by this fantastic world where all work are very different from each other and are arranged without an order.

How to get to the Tarot Garden

From Aurelia towards Rome, exit after Capalbio towards Chiarone Scalo / Pescia Fiorentina. Follow the
signs to Pescia Fiorentina and, before reaching the town, take exit Garavicchio.



1st April – 15 October 14.30 – 19.30
Full: 10 euro
Reduced: 6 euro


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