Discover Maremma

Archaeological Museum of Portus Scabris

Archaeological Museum of Portus Scabris

Archaeological Museum of Portus Scabris

In 1999, during the works for the construction of the new port at Puntone in Scarlino Municipality, many underwater archaeological finds were unearthed.  The authorities verified the historical value of the findings, which are now conserved at M.A.P.S. (Archaeological Museum of Portus Scabris).

The finds prove the presence of an ancient port whose name was Portus Scabris and which was located in Portiglioni locality.


The finds show the activity of Portus Scabris which begins in 300 bC and whose strategical position was important for the trade of goods like food and raw material.

The coast was a strip of land, which created a basin with a canal narrow and deep. The name “Puntone” is due to conformation of the part of the land, which closed the salt lake where vessels arrived before entering in the interior port. This lake is become a marshy area which, after years of neglect, malaria and following reclamations, has been included in the Faunistic Oasis of Padule di Scarlino.


The Archaeological Museum of Portus Scabris is located in a hydraulic tollgate built at the beginning of the XX° century in Puntone, the coastal village in Scarlino Municipality. The set up takes up two steps of the building and it is characterized by marine style where the colours blue and wood prevail.

MAPS guards the proofs of the port activities from III century bC to the imperial age. Visitors can watch the scraps of the vessels, which arrived at the port, remains of amphora, part of shipload fallen into the sea for different reasons and food.

Visitors’ attention usually are attracted by a particular instrument:”scandoglio”, a weight of lead that, sprinkled with animal fat, indicated the presence or absence of a sandy or rocky bottom.

The Museum is directely linked with Faunistic Oasis of Padule di Scarlino accessible by a passage which represents the entrance to the raised runway which crosses a part of the area


Via delle Collacchie 1- Puntone

Phone: +39 0566 38552


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