Strada del Vino e dei Sapori Colli di Maremma - Enjoy Maremma
Discover Maremma

Road of wine and flavors of the hills of Maremma


Road of wine and flavors of the hills of Maremma

This road unravels along the western part of the province of Grosseto and comprises the communities of capalbio, Orbetello, Isola del Giglio, Magliano, Grosseto, Monte Argentario, Campagnatico, Roccalbegna, Semproniano, Scansano, Manciano, Pitigliano and Sorano.
It’s an itinerary full of inspiration in which you can experience tourism in a thousand different ways, from the sea to the hills up until the slopes of Mount Amiata through a region in which an ancient past lives together with modern experiences of excellence. Walking this road, in the heart of Maremma, you meet wonderful places and landscapes, a nature at times hard and wild, where the hand of man has intervened skilfully to create unique products.

Touristic and enogastronomic itineraries

The first itinerary is the path of the Tuffstone that traverses the communities of Sorano, Pitigliano and Manciano, the Tuff stone towns. The typical products most characteristic of these places are the white bean of Sorano and the “sfratto” of Pitigliano, delicious dessert of jewish origin, made to remember the displacement of the Jews to the ghetto of the Grossetan town, shaped like a stick, like those used to knock on the doors to notify of the transfer. Among the DOC wines are the Pitigliano white and the Sovana red.

The route of flavors, smells, and enchantment

The second route unfolds through the towns of the hillside: Scansano, Magliano, Capalbio, Semproniano, Roccalbegna, Campagnatico. Walking through the towns, custodians of most of the Maremman traditions, you’ll get high on the smells of the countryside, the wine, the cheasees, the oil and a gastronomic culture that was born from respect for the most genuine traditions. Among the products to try are the Pecorino Toscano DOP, both fresh and aged, of a delicate taste, the honey of marruca, chestnut, acacia and millefiori and the Olio Extravergine Toscano IGP, with a soft taste. Among the most well known wines is the morellino di Scansano, red DOCG wine.

The route of water, colors and wonders

The last path through Isola del Giglio, Orbetello, Grosseto, and Monte Argentario offers wonderful landscapes and an incontaminated nature: the Parco dell’Uccellina (or Parco Naturale della Maremma), a region where life passes by like once upon a time with the Butteri, the Maremman cows, wild horses and the extraordinary richness in fauna, the Argetnario, with its variety of coasts, from the sandy of Giannella and Feniglia to the rocky of the promontory and finally an unforgettable sea. You can’t help but try the Bottarga di Cefalo of Orbetello and the fish of the Argentario, like the blonde shrimp of Porto Santo Stefano, the ficamaschia (blue fish) and the Palamita. And then the breaded typical dessert of Isola del Giglio with grapes and figs, and the maremman meat: from boar to beef. For those who love a good wine, this is the area of the Ansonica dell’Argentario, DOC white of characteristic lively flavor and the Vermentino di Capalbio, another DOC white wine.
There’s no shortage of ideas to get to know these places better, like through a visit to the Museum of Wine and Vine and the Archeological Museum in Scansano, the Museum of the Tuff stone in Sorano, the spanish fort in Porto Santo Stefano, and the Parco dell’Uccellina in Alberese.
For information: Associazione Strada del Vino e dei Sapori Colli di Maremma, Piazza del Pretorio 4, 58054 Scansano tel. 0564 507381

Following are the image of the Strada del Vino e dei Sapori Colli di Maremma and the link to the official site:

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