Discover Maremma

Itineraries on foot

Itineraries on foot

Castiglione della Pescaia

Itinerary 1: from Ponti di Badia to Casa Rossa Ximenes (10km)

Starting from Ponti di Badia, Diaccia Botrona and Casa Rossa Ximenes. By car you just have to take the Strada Provinciale 3 Del Padule to get to the town of Ponti di Badia, where you can park in a small clearing on the right. Over a bridge you get to the hill of Isola Clodia with the remains of a roman era villa and the Abbey of San Pancrazio al Fango. Then you continue into Diaccia botrona, ancient etruscan lake turned swamp, where you can admire the wonderful bird specimens that populate the area, from flamingos to stilts and egrets.

Itinerary 2: from Castellaccio Prile to Poggio Ballone (12km)

The starting point is Via del Poggetto in Castiglione della Pescaia. Once you take the turn on the left, continue to the complex called Palazzo Prile to then emerge onto a dirt parth and climb through the mediterranean vegetation. After a couple kilometers you arrive at Castellaccio Prile, old medieval settlement at 287 meters above sea level. Continuing on you can see the military posts of Poggio Rossini and Poggio Ballone, perfect locations to see hares and foxes, porcupines and boar. The next stretch is worth the effort, until Tirli and Via Panoramica, over the asphalt road of Poggi Ballone, renowned for its breathtaking view.

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