Discover Maremma

On Holiday In Tuscany In Massa Maritima

On Holiday In Tuscany In Massa Maritima

The charm of a small community of Maremma, main center of the Metal-rich Hills, today a touristic excellency.

Piazza Garibaldi e Duomo – Massa Marittima

A vacation to discover the jewel of Maremma

This gracious city deserves a visit, take a weekend break and come to discover Massa Marittima, which will welcome you with open arms, and with no rush you can discover the architectural beauties, its history and the wild and incontaminated nature of Maremma.
Don’t miss out on the Balestro del Grifalco, the historical race that’s held twice a year, in May and August. The 24 crossbowmen from the 3 districts of the city challenge each other in crossbowshooting, competing for the golden arrow, awarded to the most skilled crossbowman. An event that represents the identity of this wonderful center of Maremma.

Piazza del Duomo and the Cathedral of San Cerbone

The main square of the old town of Massa Marittima is Piazza Garibaldi, dominated by the presence of the cathedral of San Cerbone. The Duomo is one of the most majestic examples of roman-gothic architecture built around 1200, and dedicated to the patron saint of the town, it rests on large steps and is placed sideways with respect to the rest of the square.
Inside you can admire various works of artistic relief, from the 14th century triptych of the Madonna with Child and Saints and the monumental baptismal pool, to the Ark of San Cerbone placed behind the altar and the crypt under the presbyteral area with statues of prophets and saints.

Massima Marittima, orange flag from the Touring Club

A touristic quality goal, awarded for years with the orange flag for the environment, the recognition that the touring club assigns to tourist locations that distinguish themselves for the care and appreciation of the natural and cultural beauties, for the quality of the services of access and accommodation, for the attention given to the care for the environment and local traditions.

The natural beauties of Massa Marittima

All that’s left is for you to explore the natural landscape that surrounds this wonderful town, like the Archeological Park of Lago dell’Accesa. The park houses the seat of Etruscan civilization dating back to the 10th century b.c., where the remains of old living quarters and the respective necropoli were uncovered.
It’s possible to organize guided tours with dedicated activities. Furthermore in the area of the park you’ll find an ancient and small abandoned town called Forni dell’Accesa, where it’s possible to visit the first blast furnaces, constructed in the 1700s, for the industrial working of numerous metals present in the region.

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