Discover Maremma

Sorano Terme

Sorano Terme

Sorano Terme

Medieval Thermal Baths

The medieval village of Sorano, which symbol is the tuff, together with Pitigliano and Sovana, is well known since ancient times for its waters. The village belonged earlier to the Aldobrandeschi and then to the Orsini Family. The thermal baths of Sorano are today a destination for élite tourism and lie within the parish church of Santa Maria dell’ Aquila, an example of the superb Romanesque architecture built in the Middle Age.

Purifying Spa

The water flowing from the source of a river, just upstream of Church of Santa Maria dell ‘Aquila at a temperature of 37,5 ° C. Its waters are rich in natural elements as calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate. Among the most famous for its purification properties this waters are particularly recommended for treatment of dermatology, rheumatology and vascular diseases.

Wellness in a magnificent context

In the heart of Maremma, in an area rich in history is situated the Sorano Thermal Springs Residence, a modern structure immersed in spectacular surroundings including the ancient parish church of Santa Maria dell ‘Aquila. The Residence offers packages dedicated to wellness, thermal pools for children and sports pool, satisfying the demand of all guests. The hotel offers also the chance to enjoy the spa waters with its two natural pools.

How to get to Sorano Thermal Baths

From SS1 Aurelia exit at Manciano and continue to Pitigliano. Continue in direction Sorano and after about 6 km on the right following signs to the the Sorano Thermal baths.


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