Discover Maremma

Art and archeological Museum of Maremma

Art and archeological Museum of Maremma

Art and archeological Museum of Maremma

Thanks to the ecclesiastic Giovanni Chelli, Grosseto was provided with its first museum in 1860. The Canon Giovanni Chelli founded a library in Grosseto where he began to display antiquities in a somewhat random fashion. The Museum brings together, with its 40 rooms, archaeological, historical and artistic evidence about the Maremma.

The Roselle History

The first 11 rooms of the Art and Archeological Museum of Maremma are dedicated to the Etruscan settlement at Roselle. The city was conquered by the Romans and completely destroyed by the Saracens in 1138 with the expulsion of its inhabitants. In these rooms, which illustrate the history of one of the most important and powerful Etruscan and Imperial cities of Maremma, are preserved votive objects, funerary finds, marbles and roman portraits.

A look at the Etruscan and Roman Maremma

Visitors can discover in the other rooms the archaeological history of the Maremma, admiring interesting and valuable finds, especially from other major Etruscan cities as Saturnia, Vetulonia, Vulci and Cosa. On the third floor a section dedicated to the medieval period of Grosseto.

Educational Path

Tickets includes guided tours
The Art and Archeological Museum of Maremma plays an important role in promoting education through interactive workshops and guided tours for school groups.


Full: 5,00 €
Reduced: 2,50 €
Schoolchildren: 1€

How to get to art and archeological Museum of Maremma

The museum is located in the historic centre of Grosseto, in an area which in 1870 the built up area was bought and incorporated into the new construction for the Court and the district attorney’s office at Piazza A. Baccarini, 3.

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Museum für Archäologie und Kunst der Maremma

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