12 Jan Populonia
Posted at 15:07h
Villages and towns
by Staff
The medieval Populonia
This small village in the municipality of Piombino is extremely rich in historical treasures. Populonia is a small medieval village of 15th century, situated on the hill overlooking the beautiful beach of Baratti. The village is dominated by the massive Rock and divided along four narrow lanes. Populonia has also a small Archaeological Museum housed in an old oil-mill.
The Baratti-Populonia Archeological Park
The territory has an huge quantity of relics dating back from the era when Fufluna (once name of the Etruscan city of Populonia) was one of the most important industrial districts of the city for manufacture of iron dating from the 5th century B.C.
The park includes the necropolis of Populonia full of interesting Etruscan tombs, which are still maintained in good condition and an infinity of sarcophagus and urns.
Populonia is situated over 80 hectares between the slopes of the promontory of Piombino and the Gulf of Baratti of the Nature Archeological Park.
How to get to Populonia
From SS1 Aurelia connecting Livorno to Grosseto, take exit San Vincenzo or Venturina direction Piombino, follow the signs to the Baratti and Populonia Archeological Park. From there follow the signs to the Council road Populonia to the village.
Activities and attractions in Populonia
Appointments and events in Populonia
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