Discover Maremma

Mountain Bike

Mountain Bike

Eperience the dedicated cycle routes of Maremma!


Gli Itinerari

35 dedicated cycle routes

The Maremma offers 35 dedicated cycle routes. Maremma is the ideal place for cyclists who want to discover this paradise, a territory characterized by a variety of landscapes, plenty of steep climbs and descents and spectacular views. For the most adventurous there are also woods and forests to practice cross country, enduro, freeride e downhill.



370 km path through the province of Grosseto

The longest and hardest cycling itinerary in the Maremma is the Gran Tour of Maremma. This 370 km path passes through the province of Grosseto and is absolutely torturous. But like its name suggests, it’s a grand tour to enjoy every corner of this beautiful area of Tuscany.


Cross Country, Enduro, Freeride e downhill

All'aventura tra i boschi e le foreste

Maremma has a number of paths you where you can do cross country, enduro, freeride e downhill! Most facilities have mountain bikes to rent and the tourist centre can also help you to find and organize a guided mountain bike tour. There are also guides both in print and online.

Castiglione della Pescaia Enduro Thursday

Trails With Martin From Trail Hub


More Info

Bagnoli Bike

Alessandro e Davide: 0564939266

Maremma in Bicicletta

Emiliano: +39 338 3710101

Fratelli Saletti

Leonardo: +39 0564 935494

Trail Le Cannelle

Experience the ride: Trail Le Cannelle!

GoPro video by Matteo Franci



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